Thank you for visiting my website! Here you can find everything about my musical career and other interests I have as a creative and as a person. The article on top is my latest post.


I can say that I have tried really hard to find what God's purpose and destiny is for my life and I came to realize that his purpose is made out of seasons and for every season there are things that come our way and that are there to forge us and prepare us for the next stages in life. Many times we find ourselves in the zone where we don't know what is our destiny and what it is that God has for us and either we get frustrated and we just act upon frustration and desperation or we wait and wait as if we wanted to hear an audible voice from heaven, but in reality purpose and destiny is right in front of us in every season, even in the mundane and "common" things that we might be doing right now. All we need to do to get the most out of every season is to just BE, but not just "being" as in not doing anything and let the world revolve around us, but as in "BEING" the best version of ourselves, loving as much as God has loved us and really being stewards of every moment and opportunity given. Having this in mind, I want to make sure that I set myself for a great start for when my child is born and be prepared to take on whatever is next. There will be a lot of learning as being a multimedia creative, a musician, a husband a father and a son is not easy! but who said that life was easy anyway. Many times we can choose to give up or to just accept the challenges in specific seasons and this is my personal journey in this season.

Here a few things for you to meditate on: What is your journey at this moment? What are the things that frustrate you about destiny and purpose? How can you relate purpose and destiny to your current season and what are you learning from your victories and failures?

See you until the next post!

Seasons and destiny

I started this website about 8 years ago as a way to expose my creativity to the world. Today I see it more as a tool to communicate the things that are important to me, either be about faith, family, arts or anything else that is of my interest. A while ago I saw myself as a young artist and entrepreneur with a lot of dreams, and through the period of 7 years now, I didn't notice how fast life went by. Now I am happily married and expecting a little one and more than ever I see my life and remember all the things that I planned to do that I achieved and that I didn't. Marriage itself was a really big change in my life and it was God's way to mold me and really change my mentality from just a dreamer to an achiever with realistic goals. Today I realize that a lot of times we see our life as either a great success or a big failure when in reality life is this great trip where there is a lot of things in between and it is up to us to take the best out of life. Someone wise said once that if we had failures and we never learned anything from those then it was just a wasted moment and it is very true. A lot of the success we can have in life really depends on how much we have learned from the times were we have failed or where things don't quite work as we expected.